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Lebanon-Laclede County Library

Friends of the Library

Mission Statement
The Friends of the Lebanon-Laclede County Library is a not-for-profit organization whose purpose is to stimulate the use of the Library resources and services; to assist the Library in developing services and facilities for the community; to focus positive public attention to the Lebanon-Laclede County Library and to develop support for the Library in the local community, county and state as appropriate; to maintain an association of persons interested in the Library; to encourage gifts, endowments and bequests to the Library; to facilitate and assist the Library in its informational, educational, cultural and recreational endeavors. The Friends of the Lebanon-Laclede County Library also will sponsor events in the Library, or on behalf of the Library, including fund-raising events.
We appreciate your time and interest in our organization.

How Do I Join?

You can either call the library, contact one of the officers, or attend a Friends meeting. Both online options and printable paper form for joining the organization are below to the left. Meetings are generally held the 2nd Monday of each month at the Library, 915 S. Jefferson Ave at 5:15 pm. If that Monday is a holiday then the meeting will be held on the third Monday of the month.

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